Singing a tuna tune

My next story for the Star-Advertiser, on Sept. 1, is about a rather homely topic, a product we tend to take for granted: canned tuna.   Just as I began work on it, the National Fisheries Institute Tuna Council sent me a simple but inspired idea, one that will...

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Building a better banana…relish

During the recent Gridiron madness, I had to miss a party for which I was supposed to be one of the hosts. My husband attended in my stead, at my friend Bonnie Judd's home out Hakepu'u way. He returned with a plate for me (thank you, honey, I needed it badly when I...

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Too sad to cook…

Yesterday, I had planned to test out a couple of recipes but it ended up being a sad day. Our second kitty, Popoki, was terribly jaundiced, not eating, dehydrated and thin. Exploratory surgery found incurable cancer and I had to say goodbye to her. She literally...

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My light and lemony life

I've been in lemonland, working on a freelance piece about Meyer lemons, the fragrant, thin-skinned, sweetly balanced lemons you find sometimes in farmer's markets. They grow beautifully in Hawaii. My little bush — a dwarf version that grows in a pot on our front...

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Back to normalcy?

After a week during my life consisted of rehearsals and performances for the annual journalists' variety show to raise money for journalism internships, I'm returning to the food world. With nightly calls, shows or rehearsals until after 11 p.m. and working by day,...

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Mango pupu wins award

Here's the promised winner of the Mangoes at the Moana event last weekend. Interesting and delicious. It was nice, amidst all the desserts, to have a savory entry. MANGO-STICKY BAMBOO RICE TRUFFLES By Kent Thompson Mango Recipe Contest Overall Winner & “Mixed...

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A pidgin English digression

I was thinking this morning, with pleasure, of how pidgin English speakers can convey entire paragraphs in one, or at most, two, words. A woman I know was talking about how a man's loud voice, whether aimed at her or not, could immediately provoke the "Papakolea tita"...

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A mango a day…

More like dozens of mangoes a day Saturday at the Mangoes at the Moana event at the Sheraton Moana Resort & Spa, a Westin property. Mango pies, mango tarts, mango crunch, mango cake, mango lumpia, mango rice, mango bread, mango manju, chicken stuffed with mango,...

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The priest fainted . . . and the Husband moaned

Many moons ago, I somehow came into possession of a quirky little cookbook written by a professor at Reed College in Portland, Ore., "The Impoverished Student's Book of Cookery, Drinkery and House Keepery" by Jay F. Rosenberg. In those days, you could rent a...

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Dumber and dumber

You ever have one of those moments when you're all alone — driving in your car, perhaps — and your mind is buzzing around in an aimless way and you suddenly remember something really stupid that you once did and you make a face and an embarrassed noise even though...

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