Confession time: I paid money for guavas!

Grandma’s spinning. What unthinkable thing did I do? I paid for guavas. One whole American dollar. Shed’ be shocked. I don’t think she ever paid for a guava, a papaya, a mango, a mountain apple or a waiawi in all her long life. If you wanted guavas...

A lu’au of leftovers

Tomorrow: Mango salsa. Dinner was a local leftover bonanza the other night: laulau that our neighbor made, take-home from a dim sum lunch earlier in the day, the mac-and-potato salad I made too much of last weekend. Whew! On the Fourth of July, we were sitting in the...

Omedetu, Shirokiya! Congratulations!

Got a great mango recipe? Under Tips, Recipes, Ideas and Food Lore tab above, check out the information on the recipe contest at the Mangoes at the Moana event coming up July. 9 Tomorrow: A lucky-you-live-Hawai’i bread pudding. Wednesday: The restaurant rule....

The not-so-silent supermarket scream

When I was a newspaper travel editor, I came to the conclusion that something about coming into possession of an eTicket caused people to forget the rules of civilized behavior, consumed by the conviction that “the rules can’t possibly apply to me.”...