And the cookbook most likely to sit unsold is…

At the Friends of the Library Book Sale, where I’ve been helping with food for the hard-working volunteers, I made a careful reconnaissance of the cookbook area before we opened on Friday, and then another today. I had two objectives: To see if anybody bought...

Another few words about chico…and pictures!

Husband has rescued one of the two pots that got chewing gummed in the previous blog about using chico fruit. I found the chico pix and am mounting  a couple so you can see it. Since the latex release didn’t happen when I used the fresh fruit, only fruit that...

You don’t know bananas about it

God was thinking the day He made the banana. To me, it’s the perfect fruit: no seed, peeling is easy, you don’t even need a knife, they’re sweet without being cloying and you can find them everywhere. You ever met anyone who objects to banana? I lost...