by Wanda | Feb 16, 2012 | Recipes, Recipes extras
Spent a long weekend on Maui, which explains the blog-less days of last week. My mother’s home is Internet-free. Every time I go there, I suffer severe withdrawal, though not quite severe enough to send me to Starbucks (or Wailuku Coffee Co.) every day. Best...
by Wanda | Jan 13, 2012 | Recipes, Recipes extras
Had lunch two days in a row with two different knowledgeable and helpful friends; with no office to go to besides my couch, it’s important to keep touch. Don’t isolate; “no good can come of it,” as the Bible says. But back to food: Had lunch...
by Wanda | Dec 25, 2011 | Recipes, Recipes extras
Perhaps the most spare Christmas I’ve ever had has been one of the best: breakfast with Husband, a rockin’ Christmas service at Hope Chapel Kane’ohe, cooking all day (jook for a sick friend plus our modest Christmas dinner), takin’ care of...
by Wanda | Jul 28, 2011 | Recipes, Recipes extras
How recipes come into being in real life. I was watching an old “Real Housewives of New Jersey” set during a family Christmas at the Manzo house and heard the charming story of how Caroline Manzo’s father concocted a special dish from pantry staples...