Interfacebooking on mangos

My husband, who rarely gets involved in my cooking adventures, facebooked me yesterday requesting a recipe for mango butter. I guess this is how people communicate in marriages these days. I've got a guava butter recipe that I think can be readily converted. I'll give...

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More mangoes?

Chef Hector Wong will be demonstrating mango cake expertise in the final demonstration, 3 p.m. at the Mangos at the Moana event Aug. 7 at the Moana-Surfrider Hotel, a Westin Resort & Spa. Doesn't this look DELICIOUS? He makes cupcakes and mini roses for larger...

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Go for those mango recipes…

Hey, mango lovers. Here's everything you need to know about Mangoes at the Moana and about the upcoming recipe contest. Dust off your best mango recipes — or your most beautiful and delicious homemade mangoes so you can win cool prizes. The Second Annual Mangoes at...

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Valley Isle viands…

Headed Maui way or know a visitor who is? Check out this new service. My food-savvy friend (the one with whom I traveled to Venice a couple of times), Bonnie Friedman, has added a new service to her culinary tour company, Tour Da Food Maui. It's called "Cuisine...

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Tip: Measuring flour

Here's a tip: When you're measuring flour, start by emptying the bag of flour into a roomy container with several inches room at the top; store the flour in that container. Before measuring, use a cup measure or a whisk to fluff and stir the flour so it's not packed...

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Cooking, what’s that?

I've been so scattered lately that cooking has gone south. I haven't made a decent dinner in days! Miss it. But getting started on various new projects and a part-time job, plus having a very bad cold last weekend (not so happy Fourth of July) has had me down. Coming...

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An amuse bouche for chocolate-loving cooks

An amuse bouche is literally an amusement for the mouth, a little bite of something in advance of the meal. Here's a peek at working with chocolate, a piece that didn't make it into my story on local cacao and chocolate appearing July 7 in the Star Advertiser. Melanie...

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The cutting edge

When you're cutting something odd-shaped into small squares, such as a potato or a chicken breast, first slice it lengthwise into the desired thickess. Stack these slices. Then cut lengthwise down through the slices to make a stack of long strips. Keep the strips...

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Waste not . . .

After a week of making sandwiches for volunteer lunches at the Friends of the Library book sale, I had a sackful of bread ends I'd stashed and the obvious thing to do was bread pudding, an Island favorite. Bread pudding is one of those dishes with infinite variations...

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