Permission to eat cupcakes, please!

Tomorrow: If I ran a restaurant . . . Finally got to drop by the new cupcake shop opened by my friends Kawehi Haug and Nick Gervais, Let Them Eat Cupcakes, at 35 S. Beretania in the old Mix Cafe location (park in the inexpensive underground city lot off Beretania...

The plague of the plastic containers

Tomorrow : What I don’t understand. . . APOLOGIES! Grandchild exception: My first grandchild is in town from Mainland and we’ve been hanging with “the kids” and their kid. Forgot all about blog in my happiness! Now, on to plastic containers....

Digging into the strata

Tomorrow: The plague of the plastic containers. I’m not just a foodie, I’m a cookie (one who just loves cooking). And for a cookie, can there be a greater compliment than someone chasing you down for a recipe? Cooking for volunteers at the Friends of the...

Reading a lot into a recipe

Tomorrow: Plague of the plastic containers. For the second year in a row, I took on the responsibility of feeding the hardworking volunteers who make the Friends of the Library Book Sale happen. Between June 13 and June 26, I helped feed between 25 and 60 people a...