by Wanda | May 12, 2012 | Recipes, Recipes extras
Hurray! No pictures agian, kala mai, but just to let you know that last night, Friday, a book I edited (and, believe me, the one-word title editor doesn’t cover it; cat herdeer would be much more accurate), won the cookbook diviion of the Hawaii Publishers...
by Wanda | Feb 8, 2012 | Recipes, Recipes extras
When the new Safeway opened on Beretania, I approached with caution. I used to live in Makiki and the old store conveniently shared a parking lot with my bank. It was right-sized, neither dauntingly big, like Costco, nor cramped, like Foodland Beretania. I knew all...
by Wanda | Jan 7, 2012 | Recipes, Recipes extras
Low-carb diets. My advice: Don’t do it. All you’ll do is lose water and ketones fast, then… the carbs come back and you stop losing and even gain. I’m not saying NO carbs. I’m saying whole grains in small quantities. And mix ’em up:...